Friday, April 14, 2023




2 AM on the morning of 15 April 1912, the RMS Titanic sank, drowning 1,500 people with it.

The question that the majority of us ask is, " HOW THE SHIP SANK?". 

The answer to that question is simple, " The ship hit an iceberg causing irreparable damage to it, which led to its drowning."

But what if the question I ask is, "Why did the ship drown?"

Confused right!

Well, you see, we all know the basic story that the media wants us to know and ignore the small details hidden within and what best place to hide than in plain sight.

The three adjectives that I want to use for the story of Titanic are creepy, tragic, and suspicious.


Did you know the stack of binoculars onboard was never used?

The key to that room was not even on the ship!.

 The key never reached the ship due to some last-minute changes.

So, the lookers had to completely rely on their eyesight, not to mention the thick fog of the Atlantic would make it almost impossible to see. the lookers Frederick Fleet and Reginald Lee didn't see the iceberg until 37 seconds before hitting it.

It's funny to see that the key that could have saved so many lives, was sold at an auction in 2010 for  $130,000.

Was it a mistake or a well-planned mistake?

According to one of the survivors, a lifeboat drill was to be held on Sundays, but it was canceled on the first Sunday, which also happens to be the last Sunday, 14th April 1912.

The answer to, "Why the drill never happened?" drowned with the captain.

The very next question is about the scarcity of lifeboats,

 "Why were only 20 lifeboats on the ship carrying over 3,330 people?"

Even if the crew was overconfident, at least they could have kept enough boats to accommodate seventy percent of the people. There were supposed to be 60 lifeboats, but the number decreased before the voyage. According to the crew, the lifeboats would hinder passengers from enjoying the ocean view.

Stupid right! 

When you see people putting luxury and aesthetics over safety.

A telegram reached the ship, informing it about the icebergs ahead, but the message was ignored as spam?

The SS. California, although nearby, never came to aid the Titanic.

A missing key, An ignored warning, a Scarcity of lifeboats, and the help that never came, can all of them be ignored as mere coincidences.

You may ask me why would drowning a ship be planned?
Well, Titanic had some really influential men abroad, one of them was the richest man of that time, who went down with the ship. It could be a plot to wipe out some dangerous competitors.


Now comes another twist to the story. The prediction.
Do you know that the fall of Titanic was predicted?

Almost 14 years before the ship went on a maiden voyage, a book was published called 'Futility' by Morgan Robertson, it was based on a fictional ship called Titan, that drowned on her first maiden voyage in the North Atlantic after it hit an iceberg. Not only the name and tragedy are similar but the Titan was imagined to be the largest ship, the most magnificent and unsinkable, and it also had a scarcity of lifeboats as the crew was overconfident. The book was renamed in 1912 as 'The Wreck of the Titan or Futility'.

I mean a lot of catastrophes have been predicted before like Corona but was the sinking of Titanic really predicted or the story of Titan was taken as a framework for the Titanic tragedy.


Let's put it this way. If you are planning mass murder and want to show it as an accident, lure your victims with a promising offer, then make the accident. In this case, Titanic was made hype, the influential men wanted to be on the ship to show off they were capable enough to be on the most prestigious ship of that time. The couples wanted to make their honeymoon memorable to be on a famous ship and the last, passengers in third class just wanted the experience to tell stories to their grandchildren.

Now comes another rumor, the ship was already damaged before it hit the iceberg, it was damaged before even it started the voyage. The damage happened due to burning coal and not hitting an iceberg. Once the captain knew of the damage he started speeding the ship, so they could reach the land before a disaster.

Another theory claims that it wasn't even Titanic that went on sail, It was her twin sister the Olympic, a notorious accident-prone vessel. It was a desperate attempt to defraud the company insuring the ships.
It seems far-fetched, but the ship was really speeding up before it hit the iceberg. So could the sinking be pre-planned?

But the story of the sinking ship is not unique.
Another fictional story also had a similar storyline, written by journalist  W.T. Stead, who tragically died when the Titanic sank. 
It's scary right! how you write a tragic story and it becomes your own tragedy. 

A creepy coincidence occurred with  Revered Charles Morgan. He fell asleep and dreamed of turbulent waves in the sea and a dark sky with a long-forgotten hymn playing in the background. he woke up but when he fell asleep again the dream returned. He was so moved by the dream, that in the service that evening he played the hymn. It seemed so inappropriate at that time. As it was an inland church and the hymn was 'For those in peril on the Sea' and the date was 14 April 1912.


Could the Titanic be cursed? Did you know that eight people died during the construction of the ship? A plaque memorizing them was discovered in Belfast.

A nurse Violet Jessop was called the luckiest or unluckiest woman on board she survived the fall of Titanic and also the fall of Britannic.

Did you know the 'Heart of the Ocean' that was portrayed in the film, is very similar to the Diamond of Doom?


So, how to conclude this mystery?
The story is obviously tragically surrounded by some eerie stories
But what about the suspicions that pose a red flag to ruling it out as mere coincidence or accident?
What do you think should be the conclusion? 
Comment below.

Blue Rose Belles

(Video from National Geographic.)

Friday, September 9, 2022

The Nine Unknown


Secret societies have always been a topic of debate among scholars, the existence of those seemed too good to be true, and yet some names circulated among common men, raising the seed of doubt. 

While associations like the Freemasons are quite well known for their brotherhood, the existence of the Illuminati and Priory of Sion is still questioned. These societies included the most brilliant minds of the age, their motives were clear and secrets are hidden, and both organizations had to battle against the church to survive. The names of these organizations came to light mostly because of some leaked documents and Dan Brown. Illuminati is 400 years old, but what if I tell you about an older organization much older than the Illuminati and the Priory of Sion.

A 2000-year-old secret society, 

The secret society of Ancient India.

The alleged society was founded in India during the reign of Mauryan king Asoka.

Anyone familiar with Ancient Indian history is bound to know about King Asoka, his ties with Kalinga, and his preaching of Buddhism. Asoka is better known as 'Asoka the Great', he was the strongest Mauryan king even after his conversion to Buddhism, there were no weak holes in the kingdom. Could his strength be due to the secret society he created?

Secret society secret society and secret society? but what is this secret society about and what is its name?


Conch sound, please!


You must be thinking what type of name is it? but it may not be the real name, the real name may be washed away by the tide of time like many other valuable pieces of information. This is the name given to the secret organization by Talbot Mundy who published a storybook with the same title. He published the book according to his research but most people refused to believe in the existence of such a powerful group. 

So, what exactly are the Nine Unknown?

Well, according to the legend, Asoka chose nine men of knowledge and gave each one of them a book, so, nine books contained knowledge that would be lethal if got into the wrong hands. 

Do not roll your eyes at books.

These books were on subjects that shouldn't be known to mankind at that age. and no it isn't a pre-Illuminati.

The nine books were on subjects like, propaganda, physiology, microbiology, sociology, alchemy, light, communication, cosmology, and gravity.

Gravity, a concept that all thought Newton invented when the apple hit his head?

Nice story. Now let's continue!

It is also assumed the technique to kill with a touch was leaked from the second book, and some other leaked knowledge of these books has been used in judo.

The identity of the nine men was always kept hidden, and when one of the nine men left their position another brilliant mind took the place, who was elected by the former before his death. The nine men each had nine disciples, and each of their disciples had another nine disciples like this their organization had about 2100 men. These men spread throughout the world protecting their secrecy. The nine men were also assigned to collect information and research their respective subjects and increase the information in the books.

Of course, the books at that time were not printed but handwritten! so the knowledge in the books kept increasing and increasing.

Do you know that the first ever plastic surgery, Rhinoplasty, surgery of the nose was done by Shushruta in India in 600 BC and not in one of the highly developed advanced countries of Western medicine.

If you asked me why was Rhinoplasty needed?

Well, there was this cruel practice of cutting off the nose of criminals. So, every time they look at themselves or someone else looks at them, their cruel crimes will be remembered. Now, it is frequently used as a phase in India when someone is ashamed.

But why would Asoka need a secret society to keep Knowledge hidden? Shouldn't it be shared and spread?

Well to answer that question let us know a little back story.

Asoka was a man of extreme knowledge, he was the brightest among his brothers and also the strongest, but after the battle of Kalinga, he realized how destructive this knowledge could be and decided to collect this vast knowledge of ancient India and keep it hidden from common man to protect it from falling into wrong hands.


Kalinga was one of the kingdoms that Chandragupta Maurya was unable to capture. The kingdom was strong and posed a threat to the trade affairs of the Mauryan kingdom. The Mauryan kingdom ruled over most of India by that time, Asoka the grandson of Chandragupta decided to capture the kingdom by hook or crook and he succeeded. But at the cost of thousands of innocent lives. The battle of Kalinga is marked as the most gruesome war in Ancient India. After the battle, when King Asoka walked through the roads littered with dead bodies and splashed with blood, he was grief-stricken and so he decided to leave his ways of brutality and convert to Buddhism. He became a preacher of Buddhism and spread its words throughout the world. But the Mauryan Kingdom did not fall weak after embracing Buddhism as its core religion, it grew even stronger. 

Studying structure in India was a bit different, there were Gurukuls, where mostly higher class people were taught, and even so, they needed to prove their worth to their teachers. The teachers (rishis or munis) were highly respected as they were thought to be both knowledgeable and spiritual, anyone who wanted to study needed to pass tests from them, and these weren't written exams but rather some creative tests to check their practical skills and if they were trustworthy enough to gain knowledge. So, knowledge was seen as a powerful tool and Asoka, a brilliant student knew how to use this knowledge to win his battles. Maybe he even applied his knowledge during wars, so he knew how destructive it could be if fallen into the wrong hands. Maybe because of this reason, he created a secret society to protect this fascinating yet deadly power from the hands of destructive humans. Who will either not understand its significance or use it for their benefit?

The Nine Unknown worked in mysterious ways, 

It is said that during times of need, the Nine Unknowns secretly leaked the required pieces of knowledge to worthwhile men. Some sources say, Alexander Emilie Jean Yersin, visited Madras and met one of the descendants of nine unknown before he invented the immunotoxin vaccine for cholera. It is also known that Pope Sylvester II came to India and met the nine unknown, he was gifted with a talking bronze head that could answer yes or no, but the day he was going to present his advanced technology to the church, he succumbed mysteriously and the bronze head also vanished. Another piece of information is that the nine unknowns had an immense influence on the political and social workings of society. their influence was such that they could easily draw the strings without anyone suspecting it. They also had tons of treasure safely guarded against the world's prying eyes.

The huge amount of treasure may be stashed somewhere in India or spread in hidden stashes over the entire subcontinent or maybe somewhere in the world, cause nine unknowns had a wide network spread throughout the world but a stronger communication between their circles. 

To me, it is not very hard to believe that India may be the birthplace of such a powerful society, as the Vedas are proof of the advanced nature of science and technology of ancient India. There is an explained structure of the Atom described in one of the Vedas, eras before Dalton even existed. Ayurveda, yoga, and various other practices of modern science have been taken from old Indian scriptures.

 Nalanda was also the world-famous university of ancient India, it was known as the center of education. And this all was before the Renaissance, before Illuminati. not to mention gravity was already known by Indians before Newton. Then again Indians were the ones who gave 'zero' to the word, a digit without which mathematics would cease to exist. So, it is not impossible to believe in the existence of such a secret society.

Some people protested against the existence of such books but some Sanskrit texts discovered in Lhasa, and Indian scriptures in Afghanistan prove them wrong, there are descriptions of vimana (spacecraft) found there. So, Nine Unknown may have been real.

The majority of Secret societies have been washed from the face of the earth but nine unknown have always kept their secrecy better than most, could it be that they still exist?


 blue rose belles


Friday, April 15, 2022

The ghost ship

If the story of the Titanic sends chills down your bones then Octavius will freeze you to death.

And that's what happened to the crew of the ship, they were frozen to death.
If a person feels cold then it is their natural tendency to curl up their bodies or use blankets but unexpectedly this is not the scene that happened in Octavius, the entire crew was frozen in their states of doing tasks. Even the captain was frozen at his desk with a pen in hand, writing into the logbook.

It was as if the crew was frozen in the blink of an eye without even realizing it.
(much like how suddenly everyone fell asleep in sleeping beauty).
Okay, so the crew died eerily, but that does not explain why Octavius is called The ghost ship? it should be called a cursed ship, that would be more appropriate, wouldn't it!
Well, then here is the reason

In 1761, the sailing ship Octavius left the port of London with a cargo destined for China. when returning from China with goods destined for Britain, the captain of the ship decided to take the northwest passage, that was the last time the ship was seen. The Northwest passage was a route that was still unventured by the icy waters there, but the British crew was very keen to claim the northwest passage and add another achievement to their list.  The ship never made it to London port and went missing on the way.

The story should have ended here as the lost ship but that was not the case.

 In 1775 a whaling ship, Herald was working in the frigid waters of Greenland when it observed another battered ship floating nearby, they send a team for inspection of the ship. The team identified the ship as Octavius and was frightened at the sight that prevailed there. The captain was frozen in his cabin with a pen in hand as if writing something, behind him they found a woman frozen holding her child wrapped in blankets. Downstairs all the 28 crew members were found frozen while performing some work. The bodies preserved by the frost, made the team run in fright, back to their own ship. They were in such a rush to leave the ghost ship that they didn't bother to pick up the fallen pages of the frostbitten logbook they collected as evidence. Luckily the first and last page survived and the last entry of the captain was of 75N 160W on 11th November 1762, i.e. 250 miles north of Barrow, Alaska. As the crew of Herald thought Octavius was cursed they left it adrift as it was. Octavius was never seen again.

Interestingly, as the ship was found off the coast of Greenland, it did complete its voyage of passing the northwest passage even if the crew was not alive to celebrate their victory.

what makes the ghost ship even more intriguing, 
1. the ship did not sink even after being weather-beaten for 14 years.
2. the creepy position in which the bodies were frozen
3. The ship floating on its own and completing the voyage it was destined for
4. the ship never being seen again.
5. the stories that revolve around the northwest passage.

The major spooky alarm comes from the way the bodies froze-
How can a person be okay one second and suddenly freeze the next second? there must be a quick and sudden temperature drop for that to happen. So, quick that the people didn't even realize it.

The mystery gets even more interesting when in 1848, two ships H.M.S Erebus and H.M.S Terror were set to search the northwest passage for an exploration known as Franklin Expedition. None of the crew survived the voyage and the ships also went missing. After 170 years of searching the wreck of HMS Erebus was found in September 2014 and two years later in 2016 wreck of the other ship was found.

You may ask what stories revolve around the northwest and why people are so eager to claim it?

The Northwest Passage is a sea route that joins the North Atlantic and the North Pacific, by way of the Canadian Arctic.

Let's begin with the first fact that the northwest passage is not a natural route but was invented by British explorers on the map while finding the fastest route to China. once they marked it up they were eager to discover it and claim it as it would give them an upper hand in trade. The northern islands had rough weather which posed the greatest obstacle in navigating those waters.
Some facts state that the inhabitants of those islands were different from mainland people with different cultures and technologies, some of their advanced technology included Inuit sunglasses and Inuit shoes. There is a huge gap in cultural differences between the northern people and the mainlanders. while the northern people were thought to be as harsh as the climate there the mainlanders were seen as greedy and deceitful by the northerners. This difference was like a dead end to the successful discovery of the route.

Another important point is that even after a ship sinks its remains can be found as was the case of HMS Terror and HMS Erebus but the remains of Octavius were never found. So, where is the ghost ship now?

The northwest passage was explored in 1903-1906 by Ronald Amundsen, his crew was able to survive the thick fog that surrounded these islands. But even after its successful navigation the Northwest passage still remains a place shrouded in mystery, with the unsolved case of Octavius and the disappearance of other ships, this place will always remain an area of attraction for the mystery seekers all around the world.

(What do you think happened to Octavius? write in the comments)

                                                                                   blue rose belles


Friday, December 24, 2021

The Secret Behind Christmas


Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way.
Oh what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh, hey!

The time has come for chilly winter mornings, fog-covered skies, red and white striped sweaters with a cup of hot chocolate and freshly baked goods along with our favourite Christmas carols on loop.
No matter how old are you Christmas is the time to be a child again and spend quality time with our loved ones.

Do you know why Christmas is celebrated?
to celebrate the birth of Christ
Well, you are technically right
except a teeny tiny detail is missing that most of us don't know

December 25th is not the day Jesus Christ was born!


Well, I was too when I came across this fact.

According to old scriptures, the actual birthday of Jesus Christ is assumed to be the 6th of January. Then why do we celebrate the wrong birthday of the son of god?

To answer this question we have to travel back to the 4th century.
it was the time when Christianity was gaining over Europe and pagan worship was struggling for existence. As most of the pagan worshippers were killed or tortured because the church saw it as a form of satanic worship. it wasn't a favourable time for both the teams. So, to avoid more bloodshed and to unite European countries, the church started including some pagan rituals into Christianity. the rituals were so intricately interwoven in Christianity that nobody doubted it. And at that time raising questions against the church was also punishable, so ...

So, Pope Julius I announced 25th December to be celebrated as the birthday of Christ.

Why 25th December? you may ask
because just 3 days before, the 22nd of December is the winter solstice, a day that was widely celebrated across Europe in various forms.
The date selected was so clever that by 5th century Christianity emerged as a major religion of Europe.

Why was winter solstice celebrated?

Because winter solstice marks the end of the harsher part of winter, as the day is supposed to be the coldest and has longest night. so in one sentence it is celebrated to say goodbye to woolens and waking up before sun.

What could be the similarities between Christmas and festivities performed during winter solstice?

well, since winter solstice was performed all over the world in different forms so there are various rituals we will come across
let's start with Rome.

In Rome the festival of saturnalia was celebrated during this time, slavery was banned and everyone was treated as equal. there was also grand feasts and gift-givings. In ancient Rome the pine trees were seen as sacred and an essential part of goddess' groves and were also brought home and decorated.

In Persia, the victory of light over darkness was celebrated in form of Yalda. in this festival people use to light candles and fires to ward off darkness along with feasts.

in China, Donghzi festival is celebrated, which is one of the most widely celebrated festival by Chinese people and the significance of the festival is to celebrate the seasons turning point towards warmer and lighter days of spring.

But the most significant, of all of this is the the old pagan celebration of  winter solstice - yule

According to pagan beliefs Yule is the birthday of sun rather than the birthday of Jesus. there is a story of two twin kings Oak king and Holy king , the Holly king is considered to be the king of waning period of sun and thus he use to rule from midsummer to Yule time (winter solstice) and during Yule he would surrender his throne to his younger brother the Oak king, the ruler of waxing period. both of them are considered to maintain the harmony of seasons and fight for the love of goddess. although many researchers consider them to be the same person.

A point to be noted in this context is the western world used to follow a sun calendar , where there seasons, months days and important times wee all based  on the position of sun. that's why the zodiac symbols are also called sun signs, So the sun held a huge influence and significance in rituals and beliefs of people.

Yule was also observed in old Germany, scholars have found some connections with the historic Germanic tradition and the wild hunt of Odin.

Now, you would be surprised to know that how much of the old traditions are still followed today in Christmas.
The first one is the concept of evergreen trees, yew, iris, ivy, were seen as sacred, though there is no historic proofs, if the trees were decorated or not, some scholars believed that that Christmas tradition of decking the halls was implemented from this old pagan tradition.
the concept of mistletoe came from this old tradition along with use of wreath to protect homes from evil and keeping them warm with love.

The famous Christmas tree or Yule tree was is thought to be introduced during Victorian times by  German prince albert. It was believed that bringing live pine trees into the house and decorating them with candles kept the houses safe and warm, as the wood spirits would be pleased. ( I don't think they would be very pleased if you empty the forest in the name of festival though).

Sometimes Christmas is also referred to as Yuletide or Yuletime, due to the similarities between the two. but now we know which one originated from which one. Though it is very plesant to see how Christmas  is celebrated throughout the world irrespective of the religion of person. It has truly become a widely accepted and loved festivals of time.


Merry Christmas to everyone

blue rose belles        
   (Archie)   ðŸŽ•