Secret societies have always been a topic of debate among scholars, the existence of those seemed too good to be true, and yet some names circulated among common men, raising the seed of doubt.
While associations like the Freemasons are quite well known for their brotherhood, the existence of the Illuminati and Priory of Sion is still questioned. These societies included the most brilliant minds of the age, their motives were clear and secrets are hidden, and both organizations had to battle against the church to survive. The names of these organizations came to light mostly because of some leaked documents and Dan Brown. Illuminati is 400 years old, but what if I tell you about an older organization much older than the Illuminati and the Priory of Sion.
A 2000-year-old secret society,
The secret society of Ancient India.
The alleged society was founded in India during the reign of Mauryan king Asoka.
Anyone familiar with Ancient Indian history is bound to know about King Asoka, his ties with Kalinga, and his preaching of Buddhism. Asoka is better known as 'Asoka the Great', he was the strongest Mauryan king even after his conversion to Buddhism, there were no weak holes in the kingdom. Could his strength be due to the secret society he created?
Secret society secret society and secret society? but what is this secret society about and what is its name?
drumroll, please
Conch sound, please!
You must be thinking what type of name is it? but it may not be the real name, the real name may be washed away by the tide of time like many other valuable pieces of information. This is the name given to the secret organization by Talbot Mundy who published a storybook with the same title. He published the book according to his research but most people refused to believe in the existence of such a powerful group.
So, what exactly are the Nine Unknown?
Well, according to the legend, Asoka chose nine men of knowledge and gave each one of them a book, so, nine books contained knowledge that would be lethal if got into the wrong hands.
Do not roll your eyes at books.
These books were on subjects that shouldn't be known to mankind at that age. and no it isn't a pre-Illuminati.
The nine books were on subjects like, propaganda, physiology, microbiology, sociology, alchemy, light, communication, cosmology, and gravity.
Gravity, a concept that all thought Newton invented when the apple hit his head?
Nice story. Now let's continue!
It is also assumed the technique to kill with a touch was leaked from the second book, and some other leaked knowledge of these books has been used in judo.
The identity of the nine men was always kept hidden, and when one of the nine men left their position another brilliant mind took the place, who was elected by the former before his death. The nine men each had nine disciples, and each of their disciples had another nine disciples like this their organization had about 2100 men. These men spread throughout the world protecting their secrecy. The nine men were also assigned to collect information and research their respective subjects and increase the information in the books.
Of course, the books at that time were not printed but handwritten! so the knowledge in the books kept increasing and increasing.
Do you know that the first ever plastic surgery, Rhinoplasty, surgery of the nose was done by Shushruta in India in 600 BC and not in one of the highly developed advanced countries of Western medicine.
If you asked me why was Rhinoplasty needed?
Well, there was this cruel practice of cutting off the nose of criminals. So, every time they look at themselves or someone else looks at them, their cruel crimes will be remembered. Now, it is frequently used as a phase in India when someone is ashamed.
But why would Asoka need a secret society to keep Knowledge hidden? Shouldn't it be shared and spread?
Well to answer that question let us know a little back story.
Asoka was a man of extreme knowledge, he was the brightest among his brothers and also the strongest, but after the battle of Kalinga, he realized how destructive this knowledge could be and decided to collect this vast knowledge of ancient India and keep it hidden from common man to protect it from falling into wrong hands.
Kalinga was one of the kingdoms that Chandragupta Maurya was unable to capture. The kingdom was strong and posed a threat to the trade affairs of the Mauryan kingdom. The Mauryan kingdom ruled over most of India by that time, Asoka the grandson of Chandragupta decided to capture the kingdom by hook or crook and he succeeded. But at the cost of thousands of innocent lives. The battle of Kalinga is marked as the most gruesome war in Ancient India. After the battle, when King Asoka walked through the roads littered with dead bodies and splashed with blood, he was grief-stricken and so he decided to leave his ways of brutality and convert to Buddhism. He became a preacher of Buddhism and spread its words throughout the world. But the Mauryan Kingdom did not fall weak after embracing Buddhism as its core religion, it grew even stronger.

Studying structure in India was a bit different, there were Gurukuls, where mostly higher class people were taught, and even so, they needed to prove their worth to their teachers. The teachers (rishis or munis) were highly respected as they were thought to be both knowledgeable and spiritual, anyone who wanted to study needed to pass tests from them, and these weren't written exams but rather some creative tests to check their practical skills and if they were trustworthy enough to gain knowledge. So, knowledge was seen as a powerful tool and Asoka, a brilliant student knew how to use this knowledge to win his battles. Maybe he even applied his knowledge during wars, so he knew how destructive it could be if fallen into the wrong hands. Maybe because of this reason, he created a secret society to protect this fascinating yet deadly power from the hands of destructive humans. Who will either not understand its significance or use it for their benefit?

The Nine Unknown worked in mysterious ways,
It is said that during times of need, the Nine Unknowns secretly leaked the required pieces of knowledge to worthwhile men. Some sources say, Alexander Emilie Jean Yersin, visited Madras and met one of the descendants of nine unknown before he invented the immunotoxin vaccine for cholera. It is also known that Pope Sylvester II came to India and met the nine unknown, he was gifted with a talking bronze head that could answer yes or no, but the day he was going to present his advanced technology to the church, he succumbed mysteriously and the bronze head also vanished. Another piece of information is that the nine unknowns had an immense influence on the political and social workings of society. their influence was such that they could easily draw the strings without anyone suspecting it. They also had tons of treasure safely guarded against the world's prying eyes.
The huge amount of treasure may be stashed somewhere in India or spread in hidden stashes over the entire subcontinent or maybe somewhere in the world, cause nine unknowns had a wide network spread throughout the world but a stronger communication between their circles.
To me, it is not very hard to believe that India may be the birthplace of such a powerful society, as the Vedas are proof of the advanced nature of science and technology of ancient India. There is an explained structure of the Atom described in one of the Vedas, eras before Dalton even existed. Ayurveda, yoga, and various other practices of modern science have been taken from old Indian scriptures.
Nalanda was also the world-famous university of ancient India, it was known as the center of education. And this all was before the Renaissance, before Illuminati. not to mention gravity was already known by Indians before Newton. Then again Indians were the ones who gave 'zero' to the word, a digit without which mathematics would cease to exist. So, it is not impossible to believe in the existence of such a secret society.
Some people protested against the existence of such books but some Sanskrit texts discovered in Lhasa, and Indian scriptures in Afghanistan prove them wrong, there are descriptions of vimana (spacecraft) found there. So, Nine Unknown may have been real.
The majority of Secret societies have been washed from the face of the earth but nine unknown have always kept their secrecy better than most, could it be that they still exist?
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