Friday, November 13, 2020


The theory of the parallel universe has been a constant source of science fiction stories, conspiracy theories, scientific debates over the years. Many people believe even the mere idea of the existence of another universe running parallel along with us is absurd but some scientists believe that a parallel universe may exist. The second universe can be within our universe or outside it.

Whenever we hear the word parallel universe certain questions come to our mind.

WHAT IS A PARALLEL UNIVERSE? could such an absurd thing even exist?

can science define the existence of the parallel universe?

Are mirror worlds real?

could there be a universe just like us and yet different from us, in all aspects?

the answer to all these questions is similar to the answer to the question

Do aliens exist?

Yes, we have never seen aliens but could it in any way prove that they don't exist. I don't think so, just like that if we have never seen another universe doesn't mean that they don't exist. 

A parallel universe is not an assumption but a hypothesis based on some crucial theories like the theory of everything, Quantum theory, big bang, etc.

According to scientist Max Tegmark, there can be three types or rather three levels of parallel universe. The first level of the Parallel universe brings us to the concept of multiple universes or multiverse i.e. the existence of more than one universe outside our universe. In this concept, it is imagined that space is much greater than the universe is like a drop of water in the vast ocean called space.

Now many of us contradict the theory that something could exist outside our universe. Well, I can't blame them, from our childhood it had been imprinted in our brains that the universe extends to infinity. Now, infinity is such a word that can very well be synonymous with never-ending. So, if our universe is never-ending then how can something exist outside it. But you see according to the theory of inflation and cosmology our universe is ever-expanding, so if it can expand then there is obviously space outside our universe for it to expand. If there is enough space to accommodate our ever-growing universe then there can also be enough space to accommodate another universe or more than one universe. 

We know that our universe is so large that it takes billions of years for light to reach our earth from distant stars, then how can we expect to see something beyond our universe so easily?

Level two parallel universe is based on string theory, by solving the mathematical equations it is seen that there is more than one solution of space, that gives rise to the existence of more than one level of space or you can say that it proves the existence of dimensions apart from the basic three dimensions. according to the theory we live on just one of these solutions. So if there are more solutions there could be another universe on some of these solutions or maybe on each of these solutions. Another part of this theory tells us about the balance of dark energy in space i.e 68%, according to scientists this balance of dark energy is the cause of the existence of the universe if the number of dark energy increases then galaxies will cease to exist, so it is also said that wherever dark energy, dark matter, and matter are in the ratio 68:27:5 galaxies will form there thus if we consider the space as a desert then the universe will be formed whenever three is the oasis i.e the ratio is present.

The level three parallel universe sprouts from the most famous and honored theory of physics: QUANTUM MECHANICS. according to the theory, a single particle can exist in more than one place at the same time then why can't the body which is made us of these particles exist in more than one place at the same time. This concept is more connected to the idea of an ALTERNATE REALITY, it is said that whenever we make a decision, we create the path to another reality where we take the other option. If this is true then you can imagine just how many alternate realities or parallel universe can exist for example if you can't decide which food to order burger or pizza, in the end, you end up ordering a burger but at the same time, you create another alternate reality where you have ordered pizza instead. See quantum physics is one of the most accepted concepts of physics and if we can accept it then we should also accept all the baggage that comes with it, even if that includes the bizarre concept of parallel universe and alternate realities.

But still, most will be reluctant to accept this fact, well we can't force anyone in believing something they don't want to think about. If people are happy in believing that they are the most intelligent species in the entire universe because of the mere existence of a parallel universe and aliens are baseless then who are we to tell them otherwise. If scientists are successful in creating quantum computers that are computers whose working is based on quantum equations and which can calculate something that would;lt take us billions of years to calculate even with the most advanced gadgets then we can say that we have taken the first step to prove the existence of the parallel universe and if we fail in the expedition then you can throw the idea of the parallel universe out of the window if you want.

                                                                                                         blue rose belles

Friday, October 9, 2020

The secret society of witches

 Witches- half of us imagine them as teens while the other half imagine them as old hags with a crooked nose.

But all of these types of witches originated from Europe around the middle ages. So what prompted these witches to sprang into existence as evil beings?

Apparently, the male-dominated society was behind spreading the concepts of witches. if you look closely, then witches were thought to be associated with evil doings like making poisonous potions, cursing people, luring souls, practicing dark magic e.t.c.but what actually the witches did?

The old hags or pretty women, all types of witches are pictured as outcasts living alone with their magical ingredients in some desolate and deserted part of the village, practicing dark magic throughout the day and roaming around on broom at night. most of the time witches didn't have any male companion with them though they were accused of salacity. What is more interesting is that while witches are considered as wicked women breaking havoc in people's life, their male counterparts i.e. wizards or warlocks were actually respected around the world. As we already know anyone suspected of witchcraft was burned on a stake, hanged to death, or drowned in water. According to the scholars, there were approximately 40,000 to 100,000 witch executions in Europe during the middle ages. What did the witches do to deserve the horrible deaths?

To answer all these questions we need to go back to the ancient times when witches didn't create such a turmoil, superstitions ruled the hearts of people at that age and many believed that bad spirits cause havoc in the night to frighten newborn babies and make them cry. nightmares were also considered as a part of their mischief. So to protect their families from the hands of these evil beings the women of the house started using protection symbols and some items that can distract these spirits enough to not cause any ill to their family. Some used to mirror and foods to distract them, while others used herbs to keep them away. during that time protection spells, enchantments and magic were not considered as something evil and malicious rather the anyone who could do magic was considered to be gifted by Hecate; the goddess of magic. Even though Hecate was one of the minor goddesses, she was respected by everyone due to her powers. Necromancy or the calling of spirits was very much practiced around the world at that time and even practiced now. I am not only talking about the plan-chit s that but also about large festivities like Halloween and the day of death ( Día de Muertos ). Both the festivals are held to remember dead people and it is even said that the souls visit the land of living during this time, good souls can bless you while bad ones can curse you, so these bad spirits are kept away with the help of jack-o-lanterns.

So, if throughout the ages everyone tried to protect their family from evil then where did those women went wrong? 

Well, the answer is simple they practiced pagan beliefs rather than Christian beliefs.


 You see even if Europe was succumbing to Christianity some people still practiced the age-old religions i.e worshipping of roman, greek, Norse gods, and goddesses. these minority was considered as a threat to the Church and so all necessary precaution was taken to subdue them and the very first victim of this cruel discrimination became the woman of the society. Why? because women were weak! No, it was because these women were always looked like a threat to the male dominating Christian society that was beginning to rise. Naturally, they started moving away to desolate places, hiding away to avoid being executed, sometimes they used to form groups and live in a safe place where the church can't find them forming a secret society and helping other women to escape the cruel hands of the church.

Now, some women had an extremely deep knowledge about different herbs, medicinal and poisonous both. They used their knowledge in curing different ailments, going from village to village to help people. They dedicated their lives to gaining knowledge and healing people, they didn't have family and usually lived alone making different concoctions for different ailments, sometimes they were right sometimes not. Their dedication led to villagers worship them like a god because they succeeded when in so called doctors also failed to cure the people.  Now, that became a huge problem for the church and so they started giving the story a little evil twist and that did the job effortlessly. The healers were blamed to practice withcraft to heal people from near death situation and since most of the villagers were illiterate about herbology so they believed the theory and burned these well wishers on stakes claiming them to be witches. Thus began the execution of the so called witches all over Europe.

The church added fuel to the little flame of witchcraft and it soon turned into a wildfire engulfing thousands of innocent souls throughout Europe. Maybe the church didn't want it to take such a massive turn but it did and the old hag picture of witches was actually created to bring out their evil nature through their ugly looks. The images were successful in awaking fear in the hearts of ordinary people.

Urban literature has opened the path of viewing witches in another light rather than evil practitioners of dark magic.

If you think that witches don't exist in the 21st century then you are wrong some people claim to practice witchcraft,  they claim it to be their religion. Though it is not known if they can actually perform magical spells or it is just a modified version of pagan beliefs. their religion is known as Wicca.


The pentacle

Interestingly the symbol of Wicca is quite similar to the pentacle, the very symbol used for the protection from evil spirits. Actually, it is the same symbol. thus giving fuel to the theory that witchcraft is actually the practice of pagan beliefs.

                                                                                                                  blue rose belles


Friday, October 2, 2020

The apple of doom or apple of knowledge

 "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Isn't it interesting how we find an apple so useful and powerful, at the same time? but why it is an apple and not any other fruit?

Eve ate the apple from the garden of Eden and was doomed to live on earth.

 An apple fell on Newton's head, and the laws of gravity came into existence.

Do you know that in ancient Greece, you could even get engaged because of this particular fruit!

Then we have the apple of discord, the supposedly golden apple that was the cause behind the trojan war.

And of course, let's not forget snow white.

But what it is with apple that it finds it's placed in so many phrases and myths?

Every myth, every story is interconnected, sometimes we see the connection, sometimes we don't, but most of the time we choose to ignore. Sometimes we are so engrossed in our own beliefs that we fail to see the other side of the story. Just like in the case of Adam and Eve, we blame Eve to be the cause of the doom of humans when it is for her only that the human race actually began. If Adam and Eve were not punished to come to earth, then obviously they wouldn't have any descendants running about the planet. The garden of Eden is considered as a safe and happy place where everything is served on a golden platter, a state of bliss where there is no shadow of worry whereas the apple brings about the cruel reality of hardships and trouble in real life. 

Now how many of you actually knew snow white is an adaptation of Eve's doom?

Yes, my dear, the famous Disney movie is actually an adaptation of a story from the bible. Snow white is the example of the perfect princess, kind and sweet, she saw the good in everyone but after waking up from the death sleep I don't think she would have the same notions about the world that she had earlier. in the real version of Grimm brothers, the stepmother was punished to dance wearing hot iron bands around her ankles till she died, if snow white was the same innocent girl then I think she would have stopped the torture.

Not only that if you watch closely, then you will find many similarities between the Disney princesses and the age-old myths. For example, the apple of discord shares a similar storyline as sleeping beauty/ maleficient. How? Well, as you see, according to Greek mythology Eris wasn't the favorite person of anyone, being the daughter of chaos the situation was even worse but she felt extremely insulted when she was not invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis while every other god was (ring any bells), so she barged into the wedding throwing the apple of discord in front of the goddesses and told whoever is the fairest of them all, the apple belongs to her, Hera, Athena and Aphrodite all three of them argued and no one could come to the decision as who is the fairest goddess, so Zeus appointed Paris of Troy to be the judge. now began the bribing ceremony, while Hera and Athena promised him power and wealth respectively, Aphrodite promised him the most beautiful woman, well I guess love conquers all just as Aurora woke with the help of true love's kiss, Aphrodite won the bribing competition and then you know the story.

Unbelievable right! a freaking epic war and the root of it is what? 


An insult is what it took for the whole world to tear apart.

 wait!the apples don't stop here, there are many more stories with apples as the center of attraction like the golden apples in the garden of Hesperides.

The legends made apples to symbolize temptation, discord, vanity, beauty, desire, lust, knowledge, and obviously the doom of men.

But the great question still remains, why apple?

is it because apple was more delicious than other fruit and just by looking at the shiny red skin people could be salivating or maybe because there were more apple thieves than gold thieves. Or maybe just European people had a sick infatuation with apples.

but whatever apple is the only fruit that has so much literary importance in ancient + modern works, it is the only fruit that signifies so many things at once and I think even THE APPLE is confused in what it signifies knowledge or doom. I guess it is the most confusing fruit out there.

                                - blue rose belles


Friday, August 28, 2020

The Mysterious Mothman

 Mothman: Though the name sounds like superman. Most people will assume it as a fictional character, but that is where they go wrong.

 Mothman is not a fictional character, it has shown his face more than once in public. So what is it actually? 

Well, those who have seen it claim it to be "a man with wings".

I am serious!

On the fateful night of 16 November 1966, two couples encountered a human-sized bird-like creature in the TNT area of West Virginia at around midnight. The incident was published in the newspaper on the following day. The four people claimed that "the man had red eyes and large wings". When asked if the couples were drunk, they denied the accusation and told that if one person saw it, it could be overruled, but all four of them saw it, hovering over the car.

The incident should have been forgotten, but Mothman continued its appearance another two or three times. The most prominent among them is the silver bridge incidence.

The silver bridge connected Point Pleasant to Gallipolis and collapsed on December 15 of 1967. It had been visited by Mothman just a day before the incident. The records say that tragedy happened due to a faulty eyebar suspension chain and poor maintenance, but suspiciously the Mothman disappeared for a long time after that incident.

Dr John Keel in his book  The Mothman Prophecies linked the appearance of Mothman and the bridge collapse.

Keel believed it to be no coincidence and in his book, he concluded the Mothman sightings by the residents of Point Pleasant was a premonition about the silver bridge accident. He even went as far as assuming Mothman to be an alien. keel's book stirred the community and the local legend of Mothman became a figure of interest, the book was adapted into a movie in 2002. both the movie and the book made the little town famous and tourism skyrocketed. the people of West Virginia started an annual Mothman Festival. The legendary Mothman had impacted the town so much that a 12-foot metallic statue of Mothman and Mothman museum and research centre was also established.

Some people claim that Mothman also made his appearance at Chernobyl before the disaster while some claim he visited the twin towers before 9/11.

Over the years Mothman has become a figure of catastrophe, his story has grown and turned into a legend but the question remains.

 Is he real?

The shadowy legend of Mothman seems too absurd to be real, some researchers claim the Mothman is nothing but a large Sandhill crane, a large bird with a 10-foot wingspan and red markings around its eye.

The theory of it being a bird is one of the most accepted ones. Though the bird is not native to the lands, it had been spotted many times in and around the lands, thus, solidifying the belief. But its mysterious appearances at the spot of destructions still can't be solved, and the photographs captured doesn't quite really help!

According to the reports the residents claimed it to be a human-like figure and some even went further to say it lived at the nuclear plant. Since it was first seen in the TNT area so the fact is not completely throwable. 

Could it be a result of radioactive mutation or some crazy experiment that went wrong or it is actually some extraterrestrial being? Whatever it is the creature has surely made a prominent place in modern myths and pop culture. 

What do you think the creature really is? feel free to leave your views in the comment section. ( you can also comment anonymously) .

                                                                                               - blue rose belles
